Studies you may discard
Study # Completed Date Study Title Date OK to discard documents
1115 10/4/2017 CHI Echo Analysis 10/4/2022
1115 10/4/2017 CHI original 10/4/2022
99716 4/28/2017 Oral Chemo 4/28/2022
99211 1/1/2015 Quitline Smoking Cessation 1/1/2020
97609 9/1/2014 Genomics/Breast Biomarker 9/1/2019
99311 2/1/2014 Memantine for Smoking Cessation 2/1/2019
98110 1/1/2014 ArginMax and ED 1/1/2019
97509 11/1/2013 Phase II Study of amodafinil 11/1/2018
71103 7/9/2013 Phase II Depsipeptide in Sarcomes 7/9/2018
97100 8/1/2012 Donepezil & Ginkgo in Brain 8/1/2017
91105 7/1/2012 Phase III Donepezil in Irradiated Brain 7/1/2017
97405 8/1/2010 Soy Protein and Effexor in Men w PC 8/1/2015
97106 6/1/2010 Arginmax Improves Sexual Function/QOL in Women 6/1/2015
97211 1/8/2013 Donepezil in Female Breast Ca 1/8/2015
97202 8/1/2009 Phase III Study of CoQ10 in Breast Ca 4/1/2014
60A02 10/1/2008 Phase II of F&V Extracts in Head/Neck Ca 10/1/2013
98301 4/1/2008 Phase II St. John’s Wort for Hot Flashes 4/1/2013
97102 8/1/2007 Phase III Comparing Oxandrin and Megace 8/1/2012
97309 8/1/2001 Yoga 8/1/2006